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Collage of Superintendent


Dr. David Gilliam has served as superintendent of Madison County Schools since August 2018. His service in the district began in 1992 as a teacher and coach at Madison Southern High School. He went on to serve MSHS as athletic director and principal before moving to the district office in 2013. Dr. Gilliam served as Chief Academic Officer and assistant superintendent for the district from 2013-2018.

Message from Dr. Gilliam:

Welcome to Madison County Schools, one of the best public school district's in Kentucky. We take great pride in the quality of education, opportunities, and services we provide each day for our students. In MCS, we are "On Fire For Their Future!" We have a passion for helping each student reach success every day. Our staff of dedicated professionals work hard to help students reach their goals and move forward toward their future. And I am certainly proud to be leading the charge. Thank you for your interest in our district. If there is information you cannot find on our website, please feel free to contact us at 859-624-4500.