Gifted and talented students include those who are formally identified in grades 4-12 as possessing demonstrated or potential ability to perform at an exceptionally high level in general intellectual aptitude, specific academic aptitude (e.g. language arts, math, science, or social studies), creativity, leadership, or in the visual or performing arts (e.g. art, dance, drama, or music). Identification is accomplished through the use of a variety of informal and formal assessment instruments. A minimum of three assessment measures is required for identification in any of the above categories.
Gifted students shall be provided articulated services that are qualitatively differentiated to meet their individual needs for achievement.
Flexible Grouping - Gifted students shall be grouped for instructional purposes based upon their abilities, needs, or interests. In addition to providing flexible instructional grouping, each school shall provide various service delivery options (e.g. acceleration, advanced placement or honors class, collaborative teaching or consultation services, independent study, enrichment, mentorship, distance learning, etc.). Using the most appropriate options, each school shall differentiate, replace, supplement, or modify curricula to facilitate high-level attainment of Kentucky's learning goals and to assist identified gifted and talented students in developing their individual interests, needs, and abilities.
Gifted and Talented Student Services Plan - A Gifted Student Services Plan (GSSP) shall be developed for each student and reviewed on an annual basis to ensure that the service options and grouping patterns selected are well matched to each student's individual needs. Development of the GSSP is a responsibility shared by parent/guardian, classroom teachers, school administrators, guidance counselors, and the gifted and talented resource specialist or coordinator. A progress report, indicating instructional strategies utilized in the delivery of services and assessing the student's progress in meeting identified goals, shall be provided to the parent/guardian once each semester.
Note: Students who have been previously identified as Gifted and Talented in another Kentucky public school district are eligible for services in Madison County subject to appropriate documentation and the review or creation of a Gifted Student Services Plan. Students new to the Madison County Schools from out of state, parochial, private, or home school are eligible to be screened for qualification for gifted and talented education services upon enrollment.