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Identification & Diagnosis: 4th-12th

In accordance with 704 KAR 3:285, Madison County Schools utilize the following procedures and instruments for the identification and diagnosis of gifted and talented students in grades 4-12.

  1. General Intellectual Ability– possessing either the  potential or demonstrated ability to perform at an exceptionally high level in general intellectual ability, which is usually reflected in extraordinary performance in a variety of cognitive areas, such as abstract reasoning, logical reasoning, social awareness, memory, nonverbal ability, and the analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of information and a consistently outstanding mental capacity as compared to children of one’s age, experience, or environment (At least three assessment options are required for identification & diagnosis.)  
  • Raven’s Progressive Matrices (Standard Form)
  • SAGES-2 Reasoning Subtest (Elementary and Middle School Student screening)
  • SIGS (Scales for Identifying Gifted Students)
  • Teacher Checklist of gifted and talented characteristics
  • Slocumb-Payne Teacher Perception Inventor
  •  In View component of CTB Terra Nova (an assessment of cognitive abilities that includes verbal reasoning, sequences, analogies, and quantitative reasoning
  • Parent Questionnaire to determine student interests, needs, and abilities 
  1. Specific Academic Aptitude– possessing either potential or demonstrated ability to perform at an exceptionally high level in one, or very few related, specific academic areas significantly beyond the age, experience, or environment of one’s chronological peers 

    (At least three assessment options are required for identification and diagnosis in the areas of Mathematics, Language Arts, Science and/or Social Studies.)
  •  Composite score in the ninth stanine (percentile of 96 or above) on a standardized test of achievement 

                   -Illinois Test of Basic Skills (grades 3-7 in Reading & Math)

                   -Measures of Academic Progress (grades 2-10 in Reading, 
                        Language, and Math and Science in grade 4)

  • SAGES-2 Math/Science Subtest or Language Arts/Social Studies Subtest (Elementary and Middle School Student screening)
  • SIGS (Scales for Identifying Gifted Students)
  • Teacher Checklist of gifted and talented characteristics by subject area
  • Slocumb-Payne Teacher Perception Inventory
  •   Parent Questionnaire to determine student interests, needs, and abilities


  1. Creativity – possessing either potential or demonstrated ability to perform at an exceptionally high level in creative thinking and divergent approaches to conventional tasks as evidenced by innovative or creative reasoning, advanced insight and imagination, and solving problems in unique ways 
     (At least three assessment measures are required for identification and diagnosis.)
  • Gifted and Talented Survey of Non-Academic Categories (screening instrument)
  • Torrance Creativity test
  • Student Self-Assessment-Creativity
  • Student Questionnaire-Creativity
  • Teacher Questionnaire-Creativity
  • Teacher Checklist for Creativity
  • SIGS (Scales for Identifying Gifted Students) 
  1. Leadership – possessing either potential or demonstrated ability to perform at an exceptionally high level in social skills and interpersonal qualities such as poise, effective oral and written expression, managerial ability and the ability, or vision, to set goals and organize others to reach those goals
    (At least three assessment measures are required for identification and diagnosis.)
  • Gifted and Talented Survey of Non-Academic Categories (screening instrument) 
  •  Student Self-Assessment-Leadership
  • Student Questionnaire-Leadership
  • Teacher Questionnaire-Leadership
  • Roets’ Rating Scale for Leadership 
  • Teacher Checklist for Leadership
  •  SIGS (Scales for Identifying Gifted Students)


  1. Visual and Performing Arts– possessing either potential or demonstrated ability to perform at an exceptionally high level in the visual or performing arts and demonstrating the potential for outstanding esthetic production, accomplishment, or creativity in visual art, dance, music, or drama  (At least three assessment measures are required for identification and diagnosis.)
  • Gifted and Talented Survey of Non-Academic Categories (screening instrument)
  • Student Self-Assessment-Visual and Performing Arts
  • Teacher Questionnaire-Visual and Performing Arts
  • Parent Questionnaire to determine interests, needs, and abilities-Visual and Performing Arts
  • Art Teacher Questionnaire-Visual and Performing Arts
  • Portfolio Assessment for Visual Art
  • Dance Teacher Questionnaire-Visual and Performing Arts
  • Drama Teacher Questionnaire-Visual and Performing Arts
  • Music Teacher Questionnaire-Visual and Performing Arts
  • Student Assessment in Art-Visual and Performing Arts
  • Student Assessment in Dance-Visual and Performing Arts
  • Student Assessment in Drama-Visual and Performing Arts
  • Student Assessment in Music-Visual and Performing Arts 

While the above measures constitute the basic components of the identification process, other assessment documentation may be utilized in addition to or in lieu of the aforementioned measures in accordance with 704 KAR 3:285.  Those measures may include the following:

  • A collection of evidence from portfolios demonstrating student performance
  • Checklist inventories of behaviors specific to underachieving or disadvantaged gifted learners
  • Off-level testing
  • Continuous progress data
  • Anecdotal records
  • Primary review committee recommendation for those entering the fourth grade
  • Self nomination or petition system
  • Student awards or critiques of performance or products specific to gifted categories
  • Creative writing samples
  • Observations of original ideas, products or problem-solving
  • Offices held by student in extracurricular activities and class government
  • Other valid and reliable documentation 

The Raven test is administered in the first semester to all Madison County fourth grade students by the Gifted and Talented Education Services staff as the first step in screening for formal identification as Gifted and Talented in grades 4 –12.  Students scoring 96% and above on this measure continue to progress through the identification procedure.  Identification in the non-academic areas of Creativity, Leadership, and Visual and Performing Arts is also initiated in the first semester of the fourth grade year utilizing a combination of formal and informal measures.  All student self-assessment surveys and peer nomination instruments are completed in the regular classroom setting with the facilitation of the Gifted Resource Specialist.  The Gifted and Talented Education Services staff is responsible for scoring and tallying all assessment instruments utilized in the identification process.  

A student diagnosed as possessing gifted characteristics, behaviors, or talent is provided articulated primary through grade twelve services which are qualitatively differentiated to meet his/her individual needs, result in educational experiences commensurate with his/her interests, needs, and abilities and facilitate the high level attainment of goals established in KRS 158:6451. Both grouping for instructional purposes and multiple service delivery options may include the following pursuant to 704 KAR 3:285 and school availability:

  • Various acceleration options (e.g., early exit from primary, grade skipping, content and curriculum in one (1) or more subjects from a higher grade level)
  • Collaborative teaching and consultation services
  • Special counseling services
  • Differentiated study experiences for individuals and cluster groups in the
  • Regular classroom
  • Enrichment services during the school day (not extracurricular activities)
  • Independent study
  • Advanced placement and honors courses
  • Distance learning (on-line courses or courses delivered through interactive television)
  • Mentorships
  • Resource services delivered in a pull-out classroom or other appropriate instructional setting;
  • Seminars
  • Travel study options
  • Special schools or self-contained classrooms, grades four (4) through twelve (12) only


A Gifted Student Services Plan (GSSP) is required for each student in grades 4 – 12. The purpose of this educational plan is to match a formally identified gifted student’s interests, needs, and abilities to differentiated service options and to serve as the communication vehicle between the parent/guardian and school personnel. A Progress Report is completed and disseminated to the parent/guardian once each semester for areas of identification the student is currently pursuing.

Note: Students who have been previously identified as Gifted and Talented in another Kentucky public school district or in another state are eligible for services in Madison County subject to appropriate documentation and the review or creation of a Gifted Student Services Plan. Students new to the Madison County Schools from out of state, parochial, private, or home school are eligible to be screened for qualification for gifted and talented education services upon enrollment.