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Winter Weather

During the winter months, inclement weather can make it necessary for Madison County Schools to cancel or modify our regular schedule of classes. We want our families to be prepared for when those necessary cancellations and modifications happen. Announcements regarding changes to our school day or week will be announced as soon as they are made. The district will utilize our mass communications system, social media pages, website, app, and local news outlets to communication with students, families, and staff. 


Depending on condition and forecasts, the district will make one of the following adjustments:

  1. Non-Traditional Instruction Day (NTI)
  2. Cancel school (traditional snow day)
  3. Delay the start of school (two-hour delay)
  4. Dismiss early


How it works: 

Madison County Schools has a team of administrators who are assigned areas of Madison County to monitor. When the forecast calls for inclement weather - snow or ice - this team will begin monitoring road conditions in their designated area. They consider the roads, bus turnarounds, amount and time of precipitation, temperatures, wind chill, and factor in the forecast. Keep in mind, Madison County covers a large geographic area. Conditions can often vary from one area of the county to another. 


Picture of a road with snow on the ground and on the trees beside the road